Refereed Book Chapters
4. Li, L., Applied IHS transformation to SPOT imagery for extracting gold-bearing geological alteration (Chinese), in Proceedings of Methodologies and Operations of Geological Remote Sensing in Mineral Exploration, edited by Guo et al., Science Press, pp. 29-36, Beijing, 1995.
3. Li, L., C. G. Zhu, and S. K. Zhang, Remote sensing image processing for mineral exploration, in Geological Remote Sensing for Mineral Exploration in Northern Xinjiang, edited by H. D. Guo et al., Science Press, Chapter 3, pp. 26-45, Beijing, 1995.
2. Lin, S. D., H. D. Guo, and L. Li, Remote sensing studies on geological characteristics of gold deposits in Qiaben area, Northern Xinjiang, China, in Proceedings of Methodologies and Operations of Geological Remote Sensing in Mineral Exploration, edited by H. D. Guo, Science Press, pp. 165-172, Beijing, 1995.
1. Li, L., Applying radar imagery to geological interpretation of Qiaben gold mine district, Northwestern China, in Proceedings of Radar Analysis and Geological Application, edited by H. D. Guo et al., Science Press, pp. 108-115, Beijing, 1992.
Technical Report
2. Li, L., D. L. Pascual, L. P. Tedesco, K. L. Randolph, R. E. Sengpiel, B. E. Hall, and J. S. Wilson, Developing a survey tool for the rapid assessment of blue-green algae in central Indiana's reservoirs, CEES Publication, Indianapolis, IN, 2006-01.
1. Li, L., M. Babbar-Sebens, and P. Tedesco, Remote sensing of global warming-affected inland water quality: challenge, opportunity and solution, NASA HysPIRI program, Sept. 8, 2011.