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Refereed Journal Articles

Refereed Journal Articles

Published, In Press, and Accepted



Fang, C., Song, K.S., Li, L., Wen, Z.D., Liu, G., Du, J., Shang, Y.X and Zhao, Y. Spatial Variability and Temporal Dynamics of HABs in Northeast China.” Ecological Indicators, 90: 280–294, 2018.

Mao, D., Wang, Z., Yang, H., Li, H., Thompson, J.R., Li, L., Song, K., Chen, B., Gao, H., Wu, J. Impacts of Climate Change on Tibetan Lakes: Patterns and Processes. Remote Sensing,  10(3):358, 2018.

Li, B., Wang, L., Kaseke, F.K., Vogt, R., Li, L., Seely, M.K. The impact of fog on soil moisture dynamics in the Namib Desert, Advances in Water Research, 113, 23-29, 2018. doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2018.01.004


Chen, L., Ren, C., Zhang, B., Li, L. Wang, Z., Song, K. Spatiotemporal dynamics of coastal wetlands and reclamation in the Yangtze Estuary during past 50 years (1960s–2015), Chinese Geographical Science, 1-14, 2017. doi:10.1007/s11769-017-0925-3

Ren, C., Wang, Z., Zhang, B., Li, L., Chen, L., Song, K., Jia, M. Remote monitoring of expansion of aquaculture ponds along coastal region of the Yellow River Delta from 1983 to 2015, Chinese Geographical Science, 1-13, 2017. doi:10.1007/s11769-017-0926-2

Liu, G., Simis, S.G.H., Li, L., Wang, Q., Li, Y., Song, K., Lyu, H., Zheng, Z., Shi, K. A Four-Band Semi-Analytical Model for Estimating Phycocyanin in Inland Waters From Simulated MERIS and OLCI Data,  IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 56(3), 1374 - 1385, 2017. doi:10.1109/TGRS.2017.2761996

Li, H., Man, W.D., Li, X., Ren, C., Wang, Z., Li, L., Jia, M., Mao, D. Remote sensing investigation of anthropogenic land cover expansion in the low-elevation coastal zone of Liaoning Province, China, Ocean & Coastal Management, 148, 245-259, 2017. doi:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2017.08.007

Spyrakos, E., O'Donnell, R., Hunter, P.D., Miller, C., Scott, M., Simis, S.G.H., Neil, C., Barbosa, C.C.F., Binding, C.E., Bradt, S., Bresciani, M., Dall'Olmo, G., Giardino, C., Gitelson, A.A., Kutser, T., Li, L., Matsushita, B., Martinez‐Vicente, V., Matthews, M.W., Ogashawara, I., Ruiz‐Verdú, A., Schalles, J.F., Tebbs, E., Zhang, Y., Tyler, A.N. Optical types of inland and coastal waters, Limnology and Oceanography, 63(2), 846-870, 2017. doi:10.1002/lno.10674Li

Zhang, Y., Li, L., Wang, H., Zhang, Y., Wang, N., Chen, J. Land surface phenology of Northeast China during 2000-2015: temporal changes and relationships with climate changes, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 189(11), 531, 2017. doi: 10.1007/s10661-017-6247-1.

Zhidan, W., Song, K., Shang, Y., Fang, C., Li, L., Lva, L., Lv, X., Chen, L. Carbon dioxide emissions from lakes and reservoirs of China: A regional estimate based on the calculated pCO2, Atmospheric Environment, 170, 71-81, 2017. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2017.09.032

Liu, M., Li, H., Li, L., Man, W., Jia, M., Wang, Z., Lu, C. Monitoring the Invasion of Spartina alterniflora Using Multi-source High-resolution Imagery in the Zhangjiang Estuary, China, Remote Sensing, 9(6), 539, 2017. doi:10.3390/rs9060539

Sun, Y., Li, L., Zhang, Y. Detection of Mg-spinel bearing central peaks using M3 images: Implications for the petrogenesis of Mg-spinel, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 465, 48-58. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2017.01.019


Man, W., Yu, H., Li, L., Liu, M., Mao, D., Ren, C., Wang, Z., Jia, M., Miao, Z., Lu, C., Li, H. Spatial Expansion and Soil Organic Carbon Storage Changes of Croplands in the Sanjiang Plain, China, Sustainability, 9(4), 563, 2017. doi:10.3390/su9040563

Tian, Y., Luo, L., Mao, D., Wang, Z., Li, L., Liang, J. Using Landsat images to quantify different human threats to the Shuangtai Estuary Ramsar site, China, Ocean & Coastal Management, 135, 56-64, 2017. doi:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2016.11.011

Ogashawara, I., Li, L., Moreno-Madriñán, M.J. A slope algorithm to map algal blooms in inland waters for Landsat 8/OLI images, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 11:012005, 2017.


Li, B., Wang, L., Kaseke, F.K., Li, L., Seely, M.K. The Impact of Rainfall on Soil Moisture Dynamics in a Foggy Desert, PLoS ONE 11(10): e0164982, 2016. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0164982

Lu, Y., Li, L., Hu, C., Li, L., Zhang, M., Sun, S., Lv, C. Sunlight induced chlorophyll fluorescence in the near-infrared spectral region in natural waters: Interpretation of the narrow reflectance peak around 761 nm, Journal of Geophysical Research, 121(7): 5017–5029, 2016. doi:10.1002/2016JC011797


60. Zhao, Y., K. Song, Z. Wen, L. Li, S. Zang, T. Shao, S. Li, and J. Du, Seasonal characterization of CDOM for lakes in semi-arid regions of Northeast China using excitation-emission matrices fluorescence and parallel factor analysis (EEM-PARAFAC), Biogeosciences, 12, 5725-5756, doi:10.5194/bgd-12-5725-2015, 2015.

59. Mao, D. H., Z. M. Wang, L. Li, Z. H. Miao, W. H. Ma, and C. C. Song, Soil organic carbon in the Sanjiang Plain of China: Storage, distribution and controlling factors, Biogeosciences,12:1635-1645, 2015.

58. Wang, Z. M., D. H. Mao, L. Li, M. M. Jia, Z. Y. Dong, Z. H. Miao, C. Y. Ren, and C. C. Song, Quantifying changes in multiple ecosystem services during 1992-2012 in the Sanjiang Plain of China, Science of the Total Environment, 514:119-130, 2015.

57. Shi, K., Y. L. Zhang, Y. M. Li, L. Li, H. Lv, and X. H. Liu, Remote estimation of cyanobacteria dominance in inland waters, Water Research, 68:217-226, 2015; doi:10.1016/j.watres.2014.10.019. 

56. Liu, D. and L. Li, An improved radiative transfer model for estimating mineral abundance of immature and mature lunar soils, Icarus, 253:40-50, 2015.

55.    Li, L., L. Li, and K. S. Song, Remote sensing of freshwater cyanobacteria: An extended IOP Inversion Model of Inland Waters (IIMIW) for partitioning absorption coefficient and estimating phycocyanin, Remote Sensing of Environment, 157: 9-23, 2015.



54.   Mao, D. H., Z. M. Wang, L. Li, and W. H. Ma, Spatiotemporal dynamics of grassland aboveground net primary productivity and its association with climatic pattern and changes in Northern China, Ecological Indicators,41: 40-48, 2014.


53.   Shi, K., Y. M. Li, Y. L. Zhang, L. Li, H. Lv, and K. S. Song, Classification of inland waters based on bio-optical properties, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 7(2): 543-561, 2014.


52.   Song, K. S., L. Li, S. Li, L. Tedesco, B. Hall, Z. C. Li, K. Shi, J. Du, Y. Zhao, and J. Hou, Using partial least squares-artificial neural network (PLS-ANN) modeling for inversion of inland water chlorophyll-a, IEEE Transaction on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 52(2): 1502-1517, 2014.



51.   Jia, M. M., Z. M. Wang, L. Li, K. S. Song, C. Y. Ren, B. Liu, and D. H. Mao, Mapping China's mangroves based on object-oriented classification of Landsat imagery, Wetlands (special issue), 34: 277-283, 2013.


50.   Song, K. S., L. Li, L. Tedesco, N. Clercin, B. Hall, S. Li, K. Shi, D. Liu, and Y. Sun, Remote estimation of phycocyanin (PC) for inland waters coupled with YSI PC fluorescence probe, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 20(8): 5330-40, 2013.


49.   Babbar-Sebens, M., L. Li, K. S. Song, and S. S. Xie, On the use of Landsat-5 TM satellite for assimilating initial conditions of water temperature in 3D hydrodynamic model of small inland reservoir in Midwestern U.S, Advances in Remote Sensing, 2(3): 214-227, 2013.


48.   Song, K. S., S. Y. Zang, Y. Zhao, L. Li, J. Du, N. N. Zhang, X. D. Wang, T. T. Shao, Y. Guan, and L. Liu, Spatiotemporal characterization of dissolved carbon for inland waters in semi-humid/semiarid region, China, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussion, 17, 4269-4281, 2013.


47.   Song, K. S., L. Li, L. Tedesco, S. Li, H. T. Duan, D. W. Liu, B. Hall, J. Du, Z. C. Li, K. Shi, and Y. Zhao, Remote estimation of chlorophyll-a in turbid inland waters: three-band model versus GA-PLS model, Remote Sensing of Environment, 136:342-357, 2013.


46. Shi, K., Y. M. Li, L. Li, and H. Lu, Absorption characteristics of optically complex inland waters: implications for water optical classification, Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences,118: 1-15, 2013.


45. Nguy-Robertson, A., L. Li, L. Tedesco, J. Wilson, and E. Soyeux, Mass specific absorption coefficients for chlorophyll a, phycocyanin, CDOM and mineral matter from three central Indiana reservoirs, Journal of Great Lakes Research, 39(S1): 151-160, 2013.


44. Song, K. S., L. Li, Z. C. Li, L. Tedesco, B. Hall, and K. Shi, Remote detection of cyanobacteria through phycocyanin for water supply source using three-band model, Ecological Informatics, 15: 22-33, 2013.


43. Dong, Z. Y., Z. M. Wang, D. W. Liu, L. Li, C. Y. Ren, X. G. Tang, M. M. Jia, and C. Y. Liu, Assessment of habitat suitability for waterbirds in the West Songne Plain, China, using remote sensing and GIS, Ecological Engineering, 55: 94-100, 2013.


42. Li, L. H., L. Li, K. Shi, Z. C. Li, and K. S. Song, An analytical algorithm for remote estimation of phycocyanin in inland waters, Remote Sensing of Environment, 135: 150-166, 2013.


41. Li, Z. C., L. Li, K. S. Song, and N. Cassar, Estimating phytoplankton size composition from optical features derived from remote sensing reflectance, Journal of Geophysical Research-Ocean,118: 1445-1458, 2013.


40. Zhang, T., L. Li, and B. J. Zheng, Estimation of agricultural soil properties with imaging and laboratory spectroscopy, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing (JARS), 7: 073587-1-24, 2013.


39. Shi, K., Y. M. Li, L. Li, H. Lu, K. S. Song, Z. H. Liu, Y. F. Xu, Z. C. Li, and L. H. Li, A framework for chlorophyll-a estimates for inland waters based on optical classification, Science of the Total Environment, 44: 1-15, 2013.



38. Shao, Y., H. Gong, Z. H. Gao, L. Liu, L. Li, and T. Zhang, SAR data for subsurface saline lacustrine deposits detection and primary interpretation on the evolution of the vanished Lop Nur Lake, Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 38(03): 267-280, 2012.


37. Li, S., L. Li, R. Milliken, and K. S. Song, Comparison of three different statistical methods for quantifying lunar surface minerals, Icarus, 221(1): 208-225, 2012.


36. Li, L. H., L. Li, K. Shi, Z. C. Li, and K. S. Song, A semi-analytical algorithm for remote estimation of phycocyanin in inland waters, Science of the Total Environment, 435&436: 141-150, 2012.


35. Nguy-Robertson, A., L. Li, L. P. Tedesco, J. S. Wilson, and E. Soyeux, Comparing the performance of empirical, semi-empirical and curve fitting models in predicting cyanobacterial pigments, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 78(5): 485-494, 2012.


34. Song, K. S., L. Li, S. Li, L. P. Tedesco, B. Hall, and Z. C. Li, Hyperspectral retrieval of phycocyanin in potable water sources using genetic algorithm-partial least squares (GA-PLS) modeling, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 18: 368-385, 2012.


33. Song, K. S., L. Li, L. P. Tedesco, S. Li, A. N. Clercin, B. Hall, Z. C. Li, and K. Shi, Hyperspectral determination of eutrophication for a water supply source via genetic algorithm-partial least squares (GA-PLS) modeling, Science of the Total Environment, 426: 220-232, 2012.


32. Song, K. S.,  L. Li, Z. M. Wang,  D. W. Liu, J. Xu, B. Zhang, L. H. Li, G. Jia, and Y. Wang, Retrieval of total suspended matter (TSM) and chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentration from remote sensing data for drinking water resources, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 184(3): 1449-1470, 2012.


31. Song, K. S., L. Li, S. Li, L. Tedesco, L. H. Li, and B. Hall, Hyperspectral remote sensing of total phosphorus (TP) through relating to optically active constituents, Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 223(4): 1481-1502, 2012.


30. Song, K. S., Z. M. Wang, L. Li, L. Tedesco, F. Li, C. Jin, and J.  Du, Wetlands shrinkage, fragmentation and their links to agriculture in the Mulenge-Xingkai Plain, China, Journal of Environmental Management, 111: 120-132, 2012.



29. Gu, Z. J., X. Z. Shi, L. Li, D. S. Yu, Y. M. Liu, L. S. Liu, and W. T. Zhang, Using multi-dimensional vegetation index to estimate leaf area index from multiple radiometric correction SPOT 5 images, International Journal of Remote Sensing, doi:10.1080/01431161.2011.562251, 2011.


28. Li, L., Quantifying TiO2 abundance of lunar soils: partial least squares and stepwise multiple regression analysis for determining causal effect, Journal of Earth Science, 22(5): 549-565, 2011.


27. Li, L. H., L. Li, K. S.  Song, Y. M. Li, K. Shi, and Z. C. Li, An improved analytical algorithm for remote estimation of chlorophyll-a in highly turbid waters, Environmental Research Letter,6(034037), 2011.


26. Li, S., and L. Li, Radiative transfer modeling for estimation of lunar mineral abundance, particle size and submicroscopic iron, Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets, 116, E09001, 2011.


25. Song, K. S., D. M. Lu, L. Li, S. Li, Z. M. Wang, and J. Du, Remote sensing of chlorophyll-a concentration for drinking water using genetic algorithms (GA)-partial least square (PLS) model, Ecological informatics, 10: 25-36, 2011.


24. Zeng, L. H., K. S. Song, B. Zhang, L. Li,  Z. M. Wang, J. Du, and D. W. Liu, Application of surface energy balance algorithm for land model with MODIS products to monitor regional actual evapotranspiration in the Songnen Plain, Northeast, China, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 5(053535): 1-14, 2011.



23. Lu, D. M., K. S. Song, L. Li,  D. W. Liu, S. Li, Y. D. Wang, Z. M. Wang, J. P. Xu, J. Du, and M. M. Jia, Training a GA-PLS model for Chl-a concentration estimation over inland lake in Northeast China, Procedia Environmental Sciences, 2: 842-851, 2010.


22. Li, L., R. Sengpiel, D. L. Pascual, L. P. Tedesco, J. S. Wilson, and E. Soyeux, Using hyperspectral remote sensing to estimate chlorophyll a and phycocyanin in a mesotrophic reservoir, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 31(15): 4147-4162, 2010.


21. Pandit, C., G. Filippelli, and L. Li, An estimation of heavy metal contamination in soil using reflectance spectroscopy and partial least squares regression, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 31(15): 4111-4123, 2010.


20. Gu, Z. J., Z. Y. Zeng, X. Z. Shi, L. Li, D. C. Weindorf, Y. Zha, and D. S. Yu, A calculation model for estimating total forest coverage from digital photography measurements, Pedosphere, 20: 318-325, 2010.



19. Gu, Z. J., Z. Y. Zeng, X. Z. Shi, L. Li, D. S. Yu, W. Zheng, Z. L. Zhang, and Z. F. Hu, Assessing factors influencing vegetation coverage calculation with remote sensing imagery, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 30(10), 2479-2489, 2009.



18. Li, L., Partial least squares methods for spectrally estimating lunar soil FeO abundance: a stratified approach to revealing nonlinear effect and qualitative interpretation, Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets, 113, E12013, 2008.


17. Randolph, R., J. Wilson, L. Tedesco, L. Li, and E. Soyeux, Hyperspectral remote sensing of cyanobacteria in turbid inland water using optically active pigments, chlorophyll a and phycocyanin, Remote Sensing of Environment, 12(11): 4009-4019, 2008.


16. Li, L., S. L. Ustin, X. T. Hu, and D. Riaño, Retrieval of vegetation equivalent water thickness from reflectance using genetic algorithm (GA)-partial least squares (PLS) regression, Advances in Space Research, 41: 1755-1763, 2008.


15. Li, L., Quantifying lunar soil composition with partial least squares modeling of reflectance, Advances in Space Research, 42(2): 267-274, 2008.



14. Zha, Y., and L. Li, Influence of dust storms on MODIS data for land cover identification, Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets, 112, D14205, 2007.


13. Li, L., S. L. Ustin, and D. Riaño, Retrieval of fresh leaf fuel moisture content using genetic algorithm-partial least squares modeling (GA-PLS), IEEE Transaction on Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 4(2): 216-220, 2007.



12. Li, L., Partial least squares modeling to quantify lunar soil composition with hyperspectral reflectance measurements, Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets, 111, E04002, 2006.



11. Li, L., and J. F. Mustard, On lateral mixing efficiency of lunar regolith, Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets, 110, E11002, 2005.


10. Li, L., S. L. Ustin and M. Lay, Application of AVIRIS data in detection oil-induced vegetation stress and land cover change at Jornada, New Mexico, Remote Sensing of Environment, 94: 1-16, 2005.


9. Li, L., S. L. Ustin, and M. Lay, Mapping vegetation of costal salt marsh with multiple endmember spectral mixture analysis (MESMA) of hyperspectral AVIRIS imagery, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 26: 5193-5207, 2005.



8. Whiting, M. L., L. Li, and S. L. Ustin, Predicting water content using Gaussian model on soil spectra, Remote Sensing of Environment, 89: 535-552, 2004.



7. Li, L., and J. F. Mustard, Highland contamination in lunar mare soils: improved mapping with multiple endmember spectral mixture analysis (MESMA), Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets,108: 7-1 to 7-14, 2003.


6. Li, L., and J. F. Mustard, Compositional gradients across mare-highland contact: the importance and geological implication of lateral transport, Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets,105: 20431-20450, 2000.


5. Mustard, J. F., L. Li, and G. He, Nonlinear spectral mixture modeling of lunar multispectral data: implications for lateral transport, Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets, 103: 19519-19425, 1998.



4. Wang, Z. G., and L. Li, Geological remote sensing for the transverse structures in Tianshan area (Chinese), Environmental Remote Sensing,11(4): 273-279, 1996.


3. Wang, C., H. D. Guo, and L. Li, Space-, air-borne and ground radar experiment (Chinese), Chinese Science Bulletin, 41(4): 377-380, 1996.


2.  L. Li., History and status of planetary exploration (Chinese), Remote Sensing Information, 4: 43-45, 1995. 


1.  Lin, S. D., and L. Li, Remote sensing analysis of geological features in gold district, Qiaben (Chinese), Remote Sensing for Land and Resources, 2: 22-27, 1993.

Refereed Book Chapters

4.  Li, L., Applied IHS transformation to SPOT imagery for extracting gold-bearing geological alteration (Chinese), in Proceedings of Methodologies and Operations of Geological Remote Sensing in Mineral Exploration, edited by Guo et al., Science Press, pp. 29-36, Beijing, 1995.


3.   Li, L., C. G. Zhu, and S. K. Zhang, Remote sensing image processing for mineral exploration, in Geological Remote Sensing for Mineral Exploration in Northern Xinjiang, edited by H. D. Guo et al., Science Press, Chapter 3, pp. 26-45, Beijing, 1995.


2.   Lin, S. D., H. D. Guo, and L. Li, Remote sensing studies on geological characteristics of gold deposits in Qiaben area, Northern Xinjiang, China, in Proceedings of Methodologies and Operations of Geological Remote Sensing in Mineral Exploration, edited by H. D. Guo, Science Press, pp. 165-172, Beijing, 1995.


1.   Li, L., Applying radar imagery to geological interpretation of Qiaben gold mine district, Northwestern China, in Proceedings of Radar Analysis and Geological Application, edited by H. D. Guo et al., Science Press, pp. 108-115, Beijing, 1992.

 Technical Report

2.   Li, L., D. L. Pascual, L. P. Tedesco, K. L. Randolph, R. E. Sengpiel, B. E. Hall, and J. S. Wilson, Developing a survey tool for the rapid assessment of blue-green algae in central Indiana's reservoirs, CEES Publication, Indianapolis, IN, 2006-01.


1.   Li, L., M. Babbar-Sebens, and P. Tedesco, Remote sensing of global warming-affected inland water quality: challenge, opportunity and solution, NASA HysPIRI program, Sept. 8, 2011. 

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